Friday, July 19, 2013

Westfield Washington Library's Happy Birthday Superman | Children's Event Photography Westfield, IN

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to photograph some extremely cute little super heroes at the Westfield Washington Library's Happy Birthday Superman Event.  I'm not even that into super heroes but I had the best time because there was just so much cuteness there.  Can you tell, that my absolute favorite costumes were this little guy pictured above that dressed as Clark Kent, and this little girl pictured below that was Wonder Woman?  Clark Kent was just such a clever costume for a 4 year old, and well Wonder Woman has a special place in my heart because I had my very own Wonder Woman costume in the 80s along with a pair or Wonder Woman underoos.  Do they still even make underoos, and did I even spell that correctly since it has a red line underneath it?  LOL!  Can I write LOL in a blog????

And we had a very cute Super Man that took his summer reading program very seriously!

And a pretty talented Spider Man...I think his Spidey senses told him I was dangerous.

And these super cute sisters that didn't have to dress up as super heroes, because they were just plain cute!
Batman was in the house too, waiting in line to meet some of the Indiana Justice League super heroes.

There was a lot of comparing notes about who was the best super hero and some games and activities also.

There was some sweet family moments shared too between the adorable little super girl and boy below and their families.
I bet you didn't know that super heroes have to keep up with the latest trends on how to be an effective super hero...That's what Wonder Woman is doing at the computer below!

What a great day to be a super hero.  If you'd like to see more of these cute little super heroes, you can check out the link below:

Signing out for now!

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