Thursday, June 27, 2013

Love Thy Neighbor | Family Photography Carmel, IN

When most people hear the phrase, love thy neighbor, they probably moan and groan because some neighbors just aren't cool.  Well, we really have the coolest neighbors ever.  What makes them so cool you ask? Well, they're funny, they let us borrow their ladder, they educated me on a tornado watch versus a warning, our girls play together, they shared their house painter with us, and they are always good for having an egg when you need to borrow one! I also get the most hilarious texts from Mom.  They seriously put a smile on my face.

I thought I'd pick out a few of my favorite images for them to take a sneak peak, but I really had a hard time narrowing it down because there was just so much sass and cuteness going on from both Mom and daughter.  I have to note that their daughter and our daughter love playing with each other, and it's probably because they are both full of sass.  Sass is great for the camera, not so great for the parents!
 There's a lot of love and a lot of laughing that happens in this family, which is one of the reasons you just want to hang out with them!
  Enjoy this sneak peek neighbors...more to come soon!

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