Sunday, March 30, 2014

Celebrating Birthdays the Thompson Way | Carmel, IN Childrens Photography

My goal is to do one (yes only one) personal blog post a year.  Last year I shared the story of Kyndall's adoption, so this year I decided to share how we celebrate birthdays here in the Thompson household.  

Our birthday tradition started back when I decided to actually learn how to use my "fancy" camera and I began this photography journey.  The only expectation I had of myself was to learn to take good pictures of my kids so we weren't spending hundreds of dollars every year to capture all the special moments, events and holidays that we make such a huge deal about as parents. 

I said I at least want to do a birthday shoot for my kids every year as part of their celebration where we would come up with something fun and unique that would remind us of what they were like at that age.  And let me tell you, Kyan just turned 5 and it is one of the few personal projects I have stayed committed to over the years!  Ever year Kyan has become more and more involved in deciding what her wardrobe will be, what the theme will be, which of her stuffed animals will be included, and yes, even which poses she would like me to capture.  (I'm not making this stuff up, you can ask my husband).  

This year I knew I wanted to do a Photo Booth, so I started buying the props when I would find them really cheap and I found a pennant banner with her name on it for the background.  So, Kyan got to help put her props together while I got the background and lighting set up and we had a blast!  Kyndall was napping so she missed out on the fun...but here are some of my favorites from the session.  

And the pose above....This was a special request from the birthday girl.  Now, it is not technically the best picture because her face is a little fuzzy, but I love it because it's what she wanted!

Once the photos are done and edited, we pick out one photo that will go on the mantle for the year, one photo that will go to grandparents, and we do customized thank you cards using the photos.  We have so much fun picking out the photos and the thank you card designs, and the grandparents love getting them in the mail.  The small collage above are what the grandparents received this year (small as in 5x5 size) and a thank you card.

Now onto my girl Kyndall, whom we adoringly call Busy Lizzy and there is very good reason for that!  That girl is the busiest kid we have ever encountered.  I had no idea what I wanted to do for her birthday shoot....that is until I walked into The Flying Cupcake shop here in Carmel to pick up some goodies for Valentine's Day...The decor was just as amazing as their cupcakes.  After figuring out the proper channels to go through to photograph there, we were good to go.  Now, Kyndall is not as easy as Kyan when it comes to photo shoots, but because there was a cupcake in her future, she totally cooperated.  Here are my favorites of our littlest person.

The picture above and to the right with Kyndall running is the one we chose to send to grandparents and crew this year, why you ask?  Because that's what she like a crazy person! And below are Kyndall's thank you cards.  Out of pure coincidence, both girls' thank you cards are from the same designer.  I guess I am consistent with the style I like!    

I hope you enjoyed reading about our birthday traditions and I would love to hear what you and your family do to celebrate.  This is just how I choose to use my Mommy time and talents, because quite frankly, I am terrible at planning birthday parties and doing crafts lol...

Friday, January 17, 2014

An Ode to Monica | Indianapolis, IN Family Photographer

I've never written an "Ode" to someone, but here goes:

At the end of 2010
I met a lovely friend named Monica
She was from Southern Cali-for-nia
We shared the So Cal bond, among many other things
And hanging out with her just made my heart sing!

She's funny and she's beautiful
She's generous and she's cool
And one day she made a phone call
That changed my whole world

She said, hey can you photograph us?
Me, "Well of course!"
And below as you see…
They became my very first clients here in Indy!

She shared her on-line gallery, both near and far
She took my cards and passed them out at bars (just kidding, but it rhymed)
She bought some prints and hung my photos on her wall
And for instilling this passion in me, I am forever grateful!

Love you girl

And every.single.time I visit with Monica and her family and see these photos on their wall, it truly warms my heart.  So it was a true blessing that they were my very last session for 2013!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Another Beautiful Rachel - Class of 2014 | Zionsville, IN Senior Photographer

Yes, it's another beautiful Senior named Rachel on the blog tonight.  And yes, it's Friday night and I'm trying to get a sneak peek out in between loads of laundry (smile)….This is another very special young lady to us and we are so grateful that we have her in our lives to love on our girls.  Our girls think she is the cat's meow.  Note that our 4 year old approved of every one of these photos!  Rachel, we are looking forward to all that God has in store for you after high school graduation.  I'm quite sure your future career will somehow involve you having an amazing impact on young children!  

I had a hard time selecting the photos for this sneak peek because your smile, the scenery, and the weather could not have been more perfect! (Well it could have been a little warmer, right? But it's Indiana in November, so at least it didn't snow.)  Enjoy every photo, but know there are more, and they will be coming to a desktop near you, soon!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Little G Man and his Family | Carmel, IN Family Photographer

I'm so excited to introduce "Little G Man" and his family on the blog today!  He is such a little cutie, and has the funniest run.  By the way, I'm still sore from all that chasing around we did.   I believe he just may be as busy as my 20 month old, whom we affectionately call "Busy Lizzy".  Enjoy your sneak peek.  They came out beautiful and there are more to come when your gallery is up!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Class of 2014 - Rachel | Carmel, IN Senior Photographer

 I'm so excited to introduce Ms. Rachel on the blog and give her and her family a sneak peek of her senior session.  This young lady is super special to us, because a little over 3 years ago, she and her family were the first family we met in the neighborhood.  They brought us the yummiest brownies as a welcome gift, and ever since then they have done everything from babysitting our girls, to mowing our lawn, sharing vegetables from their garden, and bringing over homemade jam.  Rach and her family are the true definition of mid-west neighbors.

Well, back to the photos…Rachel's favorite time of year is fall and I think we nailed the beauty of the season and her beauty both inside and out!  Enjoy this "gorgeousness" and you have many more images to come in a couple of weeks!!! Good luck choosing a favorite, because I sure couldn't.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Boiler Up| West LaFayette, IN Extended Family Photography

Last Sunday I got to spend a couple of hours with this awesome extended family above with amazing backdrops.  And to top it off, the day was mostly cloudy with some peaks of sun - woot, woot!  Although I have photographed the 2 girls and their mommy and daddy before, this was my first time meeting the extended family and they made me feel right at home.  Most importantly, they were fun - and you all know I'm all about the fun.  It was hard to pair down these images for a sneak peek but I did my best!  And believe me, you will want to scroll down to the bottom to see why this blog entry is titled Boiler Up!

Grandma and Grandpa are super awesome and the girls love them! I'm in love with this porch swing, by the way!

And of course we had to get some of Grandma and Grandpa by themselves, which is how this beautiful family all got started...Lots of love here!

And beautiful, cool, Sarah Jessica "Parkerish" Auntie; who is so loved by her nieces!

And no, the dog's name is not Purdue Pete, it's Lily....she's a cutie; along with her human mommy and daddy.  I bet when Lily finishes high school, she will attend Purdue also! Maybe she'll get a Bachelors degree in "Dog Treat Studies" or something of that sort.

And these two beauties I have seen grow over the past 2 years since I met them for a family session back in fall 2011.  Time flies when you're having fun!

And what you all have been waiting for - the Boilermaker photos....there is no doubt, that the girls will follow in mommy and daddy's (and uncle and auntie's) foot steps and attend Purdue! But if they ever decide that Indiana is too cold, they would make great Bruins (U clap-C clap -LLLLLLL-AAAAA, U-C-L-A fight, fight fight).  Sorry I got distracted!  

Literally and figuratively, the photos above, clearly show how to Boiler Up!  The top one everyone was getting ready for the jump and the second one was actually the jump.

Thank you for making my Sunday last week....Your gallery will be up soon!
Warmly, Danielle

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Westfield Washington Library Think Pink | Westfield,IN Children's Event Photography

 The last time I had the opportunity to attend and photograph an event at Westfield Library, it was Super Hero day in honor of Superman's 75th birthday.  It was a pretty cool theme, but since I have 2 little girls, the "Think Pink" event was a hot topic as soon as I mentioned it.

The library did a great job of decorating and putting together all types of activities that girls like such as making pink pennants, face painting, bow making, games, and most importantly for my 4 year old daughter - nail painting! You can see below for a little recap of all the fun that was had that day!

Above you can see who became the resident face painter.  Once she made herself the cutest tiger ever, she proceeded to paint all the other little girls faces.  She did such a great job that I can see many face painting jobs in her future at children's birthday parties and zoos!

This little cutie above had a great time making a pennant with her mom, and I'm pretty sure her pennant is already hanging up in her bedroom or playroom to coordinate with her other "Pinkalicious" decor!

There were pink hair ties, pink bracelets, and pink bubble gum bubble blowers to go along with the "Think Pink" theme.

I had to sneak in a picture of my 4 year old getting her nails done, because that is something she lives for.  She even had me take a picture of the finished product along with another little friend she made at the "nail station".  She was in complete bliss until 2 hours later when the polish on one of her nails chipped and the performance that ensued was not pretty at all!

I loved seeing all the family members and librarians that participated in this event.  I especially want to recognize the dad of the year in the top left corner.  He and his daughters looked amazing in their matching pink flower hair accessories!  

Whenever two sets of sisters are looking at each other and smiling (above) or walking away arm in arm (below), you know it was a good day!  

Thanks for taking a look, and I hope you have a totally fab, "Think Pink/Pinkalicious" sort of day!

You can enjoy the rest of the images at:

Signing off for now